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The Cape Fear Chordsmen Barbershop Chorus is excited that you are here.  Please look around.

What do you want to do?

Do you like to sing?  Even in the shower?

Come share your voice and passion for music. Join our chorus today!

Learn about upcoming public events via email and/or text.  Be part of the joy by posting videos or pictures you have taken at our shows.

About Cape Fear Chordsmen

Rehearsal Pick Up Quartet.jpg.png
Rehearsal Pick Up Quartet.jpg.png

Our Mission

Established in 1988, Cape Fear Chordsmen is a renowned barbershop chorus dedicated to providing a platform for men to harmonize through singing. Our goal is to preserve and promote the beauty of barbershop harmony music, bringing joy and entertainment to audiences in the greater Wilmington area.

Watch Us

Childrens Medley
Capefear Chordsmen

Childrens Medley

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