We Cherish Our Fellowship

The Cape Fear Chordsmen is a fraternity dedicated to quality singing in the barbershop style. We sing for the joy of singing and we sing to delight our audiences. We contribute to our community by sharing our talents and resources.

Guests Are Welcome

Come Join Us

The Cape Fear Chordsmen are a family of male singers who get together each week to share their God given talents in music and to mold their friendships. We invite you to visit any of our rehearsals and experience the joy of singing four part harmony, better known as Barbershop harmony.

Your time sharing your talents will not be wasted as you will quickly learn what we have to offer and how it will enhance your life. After singing with us, you’ll want to come back just to prove to yourself what a joy it was to spend time singing and learning our craft.

You may be invited to join our chapter to begin a journey into the musical fun and fantastic friendships that Barbershopping has to offer. Men of all ages are invited to attend our rehearsals.

So come and hear us, sing with us and join us. You won’t regret it!

Upcoming Events

Week of Events

Cape Fear Chordsmen

Hear Us Sing